a brand fueled by the power of plants

A direct-to-consumer company, Zolt creates plant-powered drink mixes that harness the health benefits from CBD, fungi, and adaptogens. Zolt formulates all its own products, leveraging novel food science to maximize adaptogenic benefits and bioavailability. The portable powdered “mixie sticks” provide on-the-go boosts of immunity, energy, sleep health and balance.

the challenge

Zolt came to Pinkergreen with a novel product, a name, and lots of ambition. Faced with the challenge of launching a CBD product during the pandemic, we had to be nimble and creative in our design and marketing strategy.

the creative

Pinkergreen was inspired by the soothing effects of the pocket-sized CBD drink mixes and created a calming brand identity, packaging, and engaging e-commerce website. The cohesive packaging system features a clear hierarchy of information where color characterizes each product line and has the flexibility to accommodate new additions. We continue to work holistically with the brand, providing ongoing strategy, art direction, and digital marketing.

a redesign of zolt’s product pages yielded a 35% increase in conversion.

Pinkergreen became an extension of Zolt and our effort to commercialize our brand. Frankly, Zolt would not be Zolt without PG.

pinkergreen’s strategically designed landing
page generated a 7% conversion rate

and 300 new-to-brand transactions in the first 48 hours
of a new product campaign.


with a suggested tweak to mobile email design, we increased zolt’s mobile click-through rate 3x.

services provided

E-commerce Website Design
Package Design
Digital Marketing Design
Print Marketing Design

Art Direction